
Map Of Israel

מטרת הפעילות:

יכירו את מפת א"י- את המדינות הגובלות ומיקומם וכן הימים השונים ומיקומם.

Ages: 14-186915 viewsView DetailsView
Short Article
Ages: 1-502896 viewsView DetailsView

Bnei Akiva In A Nutshell

Aleph: To learn as to what Bnei Akiva is all about! To learn about the semel and its significance. To understand what exactly is Torah ve’Avodah?

 Bet: To understand what exactly is Torah ve’Avodah?

Ages: 8-156696 viewsView DetailsView

Racism Vs The Chosen People

Aleph: To show that racism is wrong. To learn about the unfairness of stereotyping.Bet: To learn about racism from a Jewish perspective To understand the idea of a chosen people

Ages: 9-154222 viewsView DetailsView


The Center for Religious Services in the Diaspora
Education kits for download:

Marking 40 to Jerusalem kit Marking 40 to Jerusalem kit
A kit to mark 40 years to Jerusalem. Include- Peulot, presentations, videos, Divrey Torah, etc., in Hebrew and English

Recommended Links

Jerusalem on Matal
Jerusalem on Matal
a collection of ideas and links about Yerushalayim