
Joshua And Leadership

Aim: The chanichim should learn about the qualities a leader has and the challenges a leader must face, within the framework of the story of Joshua ben Nun to teach them about his life!

Ages: 12-163009 viewsView DetailsView

Chanukah Peula

In Chanukah we celebrate the holiday of light, but we need to remember the Macabim didn’t fight only the Syrian Greeks but also their cultures.

Ages: 9-135169 viewsView DetailsView


To teach the chanachim that the source of “tzionut” in Hebrew literally is “tzion” – one of the names of Yerushalyim. Tzionut is a longing for Yerushalyim.  But that is not how we have come to understand it.  We understand it as a love of

Israel, (Yerushalyim included in that) encompassing that of both modern day Midinat

Israel and of the “Old”


Ages: 8-152550 viewsView DetailsView

The Starfish

to show the value of ones actions. Even if they seem small or insignificant.

Ages: 10-225251 viewsView DetailsView

Opening Activity For Jerusalem Day

The Chanichim will get more knowledge about Jerusalem.

The Chanichim will understand the importance of the KOTEL as a holly place for the Jews.

The Chanichim will understand the importance of Jerusalem and it spiritual specialty.

The Chanichim will understand what the special day for Jerusalem mean.

Ages: 10-126306 viewsView DetailsView


The Center for Religious Services in the Diaspora
Education kits for download:

Israels Posters Israels Posters
A kit with posters and Peulot about 60 years to the State of Israel, and - 40 years to Jerusalem.

Recommended Links

Jafi- Hatikva
Jafi- Hatikva
How to sing & play the "Hatikva" the Israeli anthum, and what is the history behind it
Lag BaOmer -AMIT
Lag BaOmer -AMIT
Information and Stories abot Lag BaOmer Rabbi Akiva and Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochay Lag BaOmer Trivia
site with ideas for teachers