Looking Back
- 6 January, 1983 (21 Tevet, 5743): establshed-Neve Dekalim
- 9 January, 1935 (5 Shvat, 5695): Kibutz Hadati movement was estarblished
- 16 January, 1948 (5 Shvat, 5708): Lamed He the convoy of the 35 brave soldiers that were on their way to Gush Etzion
- 17 January, 1991 (2 Shvat, 5751): Operation Desert Storm in Iraq started
- 20 January, 1998 (22 Tevet, 5758): Zvulun Hammer - Aזלשרש
- 20 January, 1917 (26 Tevet, 5677): Avshalom Feinberg from NILI was killed
- 21 January, 1882 (1 Shvat, 5642): Establish of bilu movement
- 27 January, 1945 (13 Shvat, 5705): The International Holocaust Remembrance Day
Ages: 10-18 | 3365 views | View |
Ages: 1-100 | 2738 views | View |
Galout /geula
Le message à transmettre :
Apprendre à regarder les similitudes entre la גלות מצרים et notre גלות. A partir de la גאולה de פסח nous pouvons apprécier et regarder le début du retour à ציון.
But : Montrer aux חניכים le parallèle entre l’exil d’Egypte et celui d’aujourd’hui.
Ages: 8-15 | 7437 views | View |
Friday Night Songs
שירון מוכן להדפסה לערב שבת כולל אשת חיל וקידוש
Ages: 1-100 | 19578 views | View |
60 years to Israel kit
A kit marking 60 years to the State of Israel. Include- Peulot, presentations, videos, Dvari Torah, etc., in Hebrew and English |
Recommended Links
Israeli Sprouts
the site includes information about Israeli scouts, a variety of activities including for trips, pictures from Israeli scouts and more.
the site includes information about Israeli scouts, a variety of activities including for trips, pictures from Israeli scouts and more.
JR- Jewish - Holocaust
166 links to learn about the Holocaust. Site languages include English, Hebrew, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.
166 links to learn about the Holocaust. Site languages include English, Hebrew, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.
The Judaism site
Divrey Torah, Parashat Shavua and articles. Information and updates according to the jewish calendar
Divrey Torah, Parashat Shavua and articles. Information and updates according to the jewish calendar