
Movie For Yom Hazikaron

סרטון שמנסה לתאר את יום הזכרון בארץ

מורכב משלושה חלקים: הצפירה, הלוויות ובתי קברות ובסוף חיילים

A movie about Yom Hazikaron in Israel

in 3 parts: the Siran, The cemetary and soldiers

Ages: 10-1008533 viewsView DetailsView
Ages: 10-1712409 viewsView DetailsView

Chanah Senesh

מטרת הפעולה:

*החניכים יכירו את דמותה של חנה סנש,נחישותה ואומץ ליבה.

*החניכים יתמקדו בהיבט הציוני שבסיפורה של חנה סנש.

Ages: 14-153326 viewsView DetailsView

There Is No Greater Happiness Then Making A D...

            This peula is her to teach the Chanichim two things one decision making skills.  The second thing they will get from this peula is how it connects to Purim.

It connects because when Esther was asked to go speak to Achasverosh about “law” that was sent out to kill all the Jews of shushan  She had a hard time deciding what to do to put herself first or put her people first and once she made the decision to go and speak to the king everything worked out well.

Ages: 13-176017 viewsView DetailsView

L' Outil Corporel

point adracha

Ages: 14-164470 viewsView DetailsView


The Center for Religious Services in the Diaspora
Education kits for download:

Israels Posters Israels Posters
A kit with posters and Peulot about 60 years to the State of Israel, and - 40 years to Jerusalem.

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