
Opening- Tshuvah

מטרת ההצגה – לעורר שאלות בנושא התשובה, שלאחר מכן יפתרו במהלך היחידות

Ages: 10-158251 viewsView DetailsView

A Characters Market


"שוק תכונות"-משחק-פעילות, של היכרות וגיבוש בקבוצה.


א.שהחניך ייפתח מודעות עצמית כלפי תכונותיו ואופיו.

ב. לאפשר לחניכים הכירות בקבוצה באמצעות חשיפת התכונות ודיון עליהן.

Ages: 12-1512012 viewsView DetailsView


aprender sobre las fiestas en jodesh Tishrei

Ages: 5-252394 viewsView DetailsView

Opening Peolah

get to know the chanichim & madrichim

Ages: 10-164563 viewsView DetailsView

Bnei Akiva Intro

Introduce the chanichim to Bnei Akiva –what the tnua is, what it stands for, etc. Through a combination of different kinds of games, we will acquaint the chanichim with various important aspects of Bnei Akiva, which will help them understand more of what we’re all about and help them to become better chaverim in our tnua. There are many peulot here, so it is possible to pick and choose which will be best, or even cover this material in two weeks.

Ages: 8-135568 viewsView DetailsView


The Center for Religious Services in the Diaspora
Education kits for download:

60 years to Israel kit 60 years to Israel kit
A kit marking 60 years to the State of Israel. Include- Peulot, presentations, videos, Dvari Torah, etc., in Hebrew and English

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