
Simcha From The Mekorot

Goals: In this peulah we will try to talk about Simcha and what it really means to us.

Are there reasons for our happiness or for us thinking that we are happy?

How can we make the pressure for happiness less stressful?

Ages: 15-207389 viewsView DetailsView

Shavuot Root & Torah

O     החניך ילמד את סיפור מגילת רות ויזדהה עם רצונה של רות לדבוק בתורה.

O     החניך ילמד את מהותו של חג השבועות והוא קבלת התורה כל שנה מחדש.

Ages: 6-109087 viewsView DetailsView

Let's Go Up

 1) להרגיש שההגעה לירושלים זאת עליה.

       2) להבין  שכל מעשה בחיי' היום יום – מרחיק או מקרב אותנו לירושלים.

       3) להרחיב את הידע על ירושלים

Ages: 9-125678 viewsView DetailsView

The Little Things

To demonstrate that the little things we do actually matter. (Kiddush Hashem etc.)

Ages: 7-142848 viewsView DetailsView
Short Article
Ages: 10-184334 viewsView DetailsView


The Center for Religious Services in the Diaspora
Education kits for download:

Kristallnacht kit Kristallnacht kit
A kit for marking 60 years Kristallnacht which include - Peulot, presentations, videos, Dvar Tora, etc., in Hebrew and English

Recommended Links

Torah Tots
Torah Tots
a site full of fun activities and games for all festivals. There are activities for shabbat, Birchot Hashachar, learning the alef-bet and more. You could also find a summary for this week's Parsha and colour pictures of the Parsha.
Information about Pessach, "Halacoht" of Pessach, The "Hagada", Egypt and the Seder's bowl Pessach's songs and melodies, activities, stories and other links