Steal The Bacon

File details:

Resource Type: Game in: English
Age: 10-18
Group Size: 10-55
Estimated Time: 45 minutes

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TYPE: Active

Play in any open space

A handkerchief is needed

Two teams line up on opposite ends of the room, and each player from both teams has a number. (See diagram) A handkerchief is placed in the middle.  When the leader calls out a number, that player (from each team) must run and try to "steal" the handkerchief and return with it to his team without being tagged.  If he is not tagged, he scores two points.  If he is tagged, the tagger scores one point.  The team with the most points wins.


Variation:  The leader may call two or three numbers or even call "scramble" in which case everyone tries to steal the “bacon.”


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