Ages: 10-183763 viewsView DetailsView

The Shofar

“What’s a SHOFAR again…?”

Ages: 7-105151 viewsView DetailsView

Tefilla - Is Someone Listening?

· To show that we can reach Hashem whenever we want to and need to

· To show that we have more kavana when we know that Someone is listening

Ages: 8-153284 viewsView DetailsView


To remind the chanichim about the importance of Teshuva and teach them a few halachot of Teshuva.

Ages: 8-124778 viewsView DetailsView

Ideas For Activities- Starting The Year And C...

All ages should have a chance to: get to know their Shevet and their Madrichim, hear what the plans for the year are and have a fun event so that they will want to come back for more.

Ages: 10-1511867 viewsView DetailsView


The Center for Religious Services in the Diaspora
Education kits for download:

Tishrey kit Tishrey kit
Tishrey kit which include- Peulot, presentations, videos, Dvar Tora, etc., in Hebrew and English

Recommended Links

aish-Rosh Hashana
aish-Rosh Hashana
Rosh Hashana-rap
Torah Tots
Torah Tots
Games & fun for the holidays
Greeting cards for Rosh Hashanna- By E- mail.
OU- Rosh Ha'Shanna
OU- Rosh Ha'Shanna
All the explanationes about prayers, audio, movie etc.
Aish- Elol Tishrey
Aish- Elol Tishrey
Stories, Arts & crafts, Fun activities & more!