Activity For Yom Yerushalaim - ôòéìåú ìéåí éøåùìéí
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The goals
- The Chanichim will get more knowledge about
, as places, peopleJerusalem - The Chanichim will understand the importance of the KOTEL (the last part of our temple) they will understand that this is the place that we feel closer to G-d
- The Chanichim will understand the importance of
and it spiritual specialty.Jerusalem - The Chanichim will understand what the special day for
Crown for each kid shaped like the kotel (wall)
Notes with definitions to put on the crown.
Paper clips (in order to attach the not to the crown)
Shekel’s bills of 100 50 20 200 (as the total number of the Chanichim) each kid needs a total of 800 ¤ )
Colorful Pictures of places in
A board shaped like the Kotel with 4-5 holes in it.
A ball to make a shoot.
Prize to the person who makes the most shoots
Empty Notes (one for each kid)
Feeling face sets (one set for each kid)
Printed names of places in
One big picture of the kotel ( with colure)
The Activity steps
The Kotel Crowns
You have to give Crown for each kid, shaped like the kotel (wall).you will put a note on the crown for each kid in his turn. On the note you will write name of places, people… Metzudat David, The City of David, The Shiloach Spring, Yad Vashem, The Knesset, The Kotel, The Temple, King Solomon, URI LUFOLIANSKI, and
The kid that has the note on his head doesn’t know what he has on his head, but all the kids around know. The kid that have the note on his head have to ask questions the rest of the kids, in order to know what does he have on his head.
The answers of the kids have to be just Yes or No.
When ever a kid discover what he has on his head, you give him a candy
Public auction
You have to give each kid 800 ¤ (it is a good opportunity to introduce the kids the Israeli bills) the bills are copies.
In each time you sell another place in Israel (you have to bring colourful pictures-of these places: Metzudat David, The City of David, The Shiloach Spring, Yad Vashem, The Knesset, The Kotel, The Temple, King Solomon. It is very important before you sell a place to explain the kids what is the place.
You need to start from 200 ¤
You have to guide the kids that they need to think very good before they wasting their money.
As expected, the Kotel will be the place that they will pay the most of their money, and they will fight in order to get it.
It is very importance to explain the kids why the Kotel is so important for us today (last parts of the temple….)
At the end ask who has the most of the places?
Who as the kotel?
Throwing the ball into the Kotel
Prepare before Shabbat hard board that you will draw a Kotel on. After you drawed the Kotel make a 4-5 holes (a little more big than a small size a ball)
Tell the Chanichim to stand in a raw, and each in his turn will try to throw the ball to the hole. Make it as a completion between them (count for each of them the number of their shoots)
The kid who makes the most of the shoots will get a prize.
A note for the kotel
Give for each kid a small note and asked them, if you were at the Kotel now, what would you ask for yourself? What kind of noted you were putting inside the holes?
Give each of them to participate; it is better to make it as a round (to make sure that everybody will participate)
What do I feel in
This part can be good for kids on 6-8 grades but not for 3rd -4th grade
You have to give each kid a set of “feeling faces” for example: happiness, sadness, frightening, mercy, fun, enthusiasm, holy….. (All the faces are cut separate from each other and on them the name of the feeling is written.
On the floor you need to put name of places (or pictures) as: school, classroom. The principle room, my grandma and grandpa’s home, the shul, foreign people’ house, mourner's house….
Ask the Chanichim what do they feel in each place?
Ask the Chanichim to put the feeling’s faces next to each place according to what they feel.
Than put on the floor a big Kotel picture and ask them how do they feel in the Kotel? (or how will they feel their?)
The goal of this game is that the Chanichim will understand that in the Kotel we feel different, because it’s holiness.
This week we will have
It is very importance to make the connection, tell the Chanichim that during this week we will have
Explain the kids that we did not have
: Jerusalem Day (Hebrew: éåí éøåùìéí, Yom Yerushalayim) is an annual Israeli national holiday celebrated on Iyar 28 (ë"ç áàééø). It is primarily celebrated by secular and national-religious (religious Zionist) Israelis and Jews. Celebratory customs outside of According to the 1947 UN Partition Plan, Jerusalem was to be an international city, not part of either the proposed Jewish or Arab state. The Jewish leadership accepted the plan, but the Arab leadership rejected it. After the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, the city was divided between Israeli and Jordanian control; Jordan controlled the Old City and the Eastern side of Jerusalem, and killed or forced the Jews in those areas out. Jews were forbidden from entering Jordanian Jerusalem, including their holy sites, and most Jewish cemeteries and synagogues throughout the In 1967, East Jerusalem, location of the Temple Mount, Judaism's holiest site, was captured by
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