Pesach Songs - ùéøé ôñç

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Resource Type: Song in: English
Age: 6-100
Group Size: 1-100
Estimated Time: 1 minutes

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Resource Contents




SPRING – àáéá


Simcha Raba Simcha Raba

Aviv hegeea Pesach Ba

Simcha Raba Simcha Raba

Aviv Hegeea Pesach Ba


Taferu, taferu, taferu  lee

Beged eem kisim

Mileu, mileu, mileu

Kisay B’Egozeem


Simcha Raba…         .


Shaol, Eshal, Shaol Eshal

Arbah Koosheeyot

Shato, Eshte, Shato Eshte

Arbah Kosot


Simcha Raba…



From slavery to freedom


Avadeem Hayeenu, Hayeenu

Ata Benei Choree

Beni Chorin

Avadeem Hayeenu

Ata, Ata Beni Chorin Beni Chorin






Kadesh, Urchatz, Karpas, Yachatz, Magid, Rachtzah, Motzhi Matza, Maror Korech, Shulchan Orech, Tzafoon Barech, Halel Nirtzah.





Ma Nishtana Ha’layla Haze Mikol  Ha’laylot? Mikol Ha’leilot?

Shebechol ha’laylot anu ochlin Chametz u’matzah;

Ha’layla Hazeh , Ha’layla hazeh kulo Matzah.


Sebechol ha’laylot anu ochlin she’ar yerakot? She’ar yerakot?

Ha’layla hazeh, ha’layla hazeh Maror Maror


Sebechol Ha’laylot ein anu matbilin afilu pa’am achat, afilu pa’am achat?

Ha’layla hazeh, ha’layla haze’h shtei fe’amim.


Shebechol Ha’laylot anu ochlin bein yoshvin u’bein mesubin?

Ha’layla hazeh, Ha’layla Hazeh kulanu mesubin.





Echad mee yodea?

Echad anee yodea

Echad elokeynu she’bashamayeem.


Sh’nayeem mee yodea?

Shnayeem ani yodea

Shney luchot ha’brit

Echad Elokeinu

Elokeinu Elokeinu

Elokeinu Elokeinu

She ba’shamayeem u’baaretz…….


Eleeyahu hanavee


Eyleeyahu  Ha’ navee

Eyleeyahu  Ha’tishbi

Bi’merah Yavo Eileinu

Eeem Moshiach Ben David





Le’shanah Ha’baah Bi’yerushalim

Le’shana Ha’baah Bi’yerushalim Ha’benuya

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