Rabbanut Rashit
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Teach the Chanichim about the jobs of the Rabanut HaRasheet and how it effects the State of Israel.
cut-up categories, words on index cards
Note: This peula MUST be prepared before shabbat
Theme: HaMedina
Topic: Rabanut HaRasheet
Written By: Debbie and Yitz Feigenbaum
Goal: Teach the Chanichim about the jobs of the Rabanut HaRasheet and how it effects the State of Israel.
Materials: cut-up categories, words on index cards
Note: This peula MUST be prepared before shabbat
Background Information
In 1921 a committee was formed to elect a Chief Rabbi of Eretz Yisrael and to oversee religious issues in the Jewish settlements of
Areas that the Rabanut HaRasheet oversee include: Marriage, Divorce, Kashrut, Conversion, Writing of Sifrei Torah, Tefillin and Mezuzot, and Religious practices in the army.
The Ten Thousand Shekel Pyramid
On the following pages are 6 suggested categories and items for use in the game. You may choose to make up your own categories and items, but either way, This peula must be prepared BEFORE Shabbat. The first page contains the names of the 6 catagories. These must be cut up before Shabbat. The next page contains the items for each category. These may be cut up individually, or you may choose to rewrite each item on a separate index card (highly recommended, as it will be easier for the chanichim, and also you will then have a master sheet for the answers.) Place each group of 7 items with its corresponding category card, and mount in pyramid form on a poster-board, or you may set them up on a chair or table at sniff. (Obviously, the former is preferable.)
Divide the chanichim into groups of two. Each group gets a chance to choose a category, each of which has a catchy name, so they must be explained (see below.) One player will give clues and the other will receive. The clue giver is handed the index cards of the chosen category, and is allotted 30 seconds to give clues describing each item to the receiver. They may not use as a clue any part of the word being guessed. The total number of items guessed correctly is their score. Try to play at least two rounds per group of two. (So if you have a large number of chanichim, you may need to make up more categories.)
The categories are: Head Honchos (areas the Rabanut HaRasheet oversees); Books (Sefarim in tanach); Sons and daughters of Akiva (things relating to Bnei Akiva); That’s Entertainment (Movies); Beit HaSefer (things found in schools); and Holy Land (Cities in Israel)
Head Honchos
Marriage, Divorce, Religion in the army, conversion, Writing of Torahs, Kashrut.
Bereshit, Devarim, Yehoshua, Ruth, Esther, Yechezkel
Beit HaSefer
Desk, chair, Books, Teacher, Lunchroom, Students, Principal
Sons & Daughters of Akiva
Torah V’Avodah, Madrich, Camp Moshava, Zionism, Israel, Snif, Games
Holy Land
Yerushalayim, Tel Aviv, Chaifa, Chevron, Tzfat, Eilat, Beer Sheva
That’s Entertainment
Titanic, Atlantis, Shrek, Pearl Harbor, Lord of the Rings, Matrix, Aladdin
Head Honchos The Holy Land
That’s Entertainment Books
Sons & Daughters of Akiva
Beit HaSefer
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