There Are 12 Months In Every Year.. - ישנם 12 חודשים בכל שנה

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Resource Type: Treat in: English
Age: 6-20
Group Size: 1-100
Estimated Time: 1 minutes

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Subtract 2 months and 19 days of summer vacation from that

And you’re left with 9 months and 11 days.

Subtract 2 weeks of winter break from that,

And you're left with 8 months and 27 days.

Subtract 12 days for the Tishrei holidays from that,

And you’re left with 8 months and 15 days.

Subtract 2 days for President's and Memorial Day from that,

And you’re left with 8 months and 11 days.

Subtract 11 days for Purim and Pessach from that,

And you're left with 8 months.

Subtract 3 days for Shavuot from that,

And you’re left with 7 months and 27 days.

Subtract 36 Sundays (that aren’t during other vacations) from that,

And you’re left with 6 months and 21 days.

Subtract 35 Shabbatot from that,

And you’re left with 5 months and 16 days.

Subtract from that 2 snow days (hopefully) and 4 sick days (God forbidJ)

And you’re left with 5 months and 10 days, which are 160 days,

which add up to 3840 hours.

You only learn for a 1/3 of every day, so it's really only 1280 hours.

Subtract 6 hours for early dismissal (1274)

At least 60 hours for special programs (1214)

249 hours for breakfast and lunch (965)

and 27 hours for the 2 minute break between classes (That’s how much break you have all year. We checked.)

All that comes out to 938 hours.

Or in other words, 1 month, 1 week, 2 days and 2 hours.

You don’t pay attention half the time anyway,


Every thing is gonna be just fine.  If we can do anything to help, just come and find us.

(We should be around somewhere...J)

Shana Tova!


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