Colorful Transparencies For Chanukah - ויטראז' לחנוכה

File details:

Resource Type: Treat in: English
Age: 6-14
Group Size: 5-25
Estimated Time: 30 minutes

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Resource Goal

Colorful transparencies

Instruction for the advisors

Resource Contents

Please read the following instruction (till the end) and follow them with your students step by step:


* Before you start: Cover the tables with newspapers:


1.  Give each child a transparency.

2.  Tell the students to make sure the transparency is right side up.

(The right side is the side with the sticker, the striped side).

3.  The students should color the picture inside the black lines.

     Encourage them to make it colorful and unique as possible..!

4.  Ask the students to crinkle the aluminum-foil into a ball (not too tight) and then open it up. Be careful not to tear the foil!

5.  Ask the students to put the aluminum foil under the transparency  - staple them together. Cut the aluminum foil  the same size as the transparency.

6.   Put the poster board under the aluminum foil, and staple the three layers together.

7.  Cut the poster board the same size as the transparency.



8.   Ask each student to write his name on the bottom of his pictures. (not too big…)  



Have a great time!

Avivit & Riki

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