How To Get There

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Resource Type: Peula in: English
Age: 8-13
Group Size: 10-30
Estimated Time: 45 minutes

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Resource Goal
Each goal that we want to achieve in life starts with one step. And when we start doing that one step and G‑D sees that we are trying, he helps us achieve our goal. For example‑ in order to do "Chazara Betshuva" we can start by doing one good thing, that shows G‑D that we are trying, and from there on he will help you

Required Props & Materials
a treasure, questions for the chanichim to answer, some kind of puzzle to show where the treasure is hidden

Resource Contents

How to get there???

Written by: Rachel and Hadas, Cleveland

Goal: Each goal that we want to achieve in life starts with one step. And when we start doing that one step and G‑D sees that we are trying, he helps us achieve our goal. For example‑ in order to do "Chazara Betshuva" we can start by doing one good thing, that shows G‑D that we are trying, and from there on he will help you.

Suggested Age: Aleph, Zach

Suitable for Shabbat

Materials: a treasure, questions for the chanichim to answer, some kind of puzzle to show where the treasure is hidden



Part I


A. The "Madrich" tells his "chanichim" that there is a treasure somewhere in the room, and they have 2 choices of how to get it:

1. They can look for it (they have 5 min.).

2. They can answer some questions that will help them find it.

If they decide to look, the "Madrich" must make sure that they don't find it. They will have no choice but to answer the questions (a question page is included).

The "Madrich" starts asking the questions, each "Chanich" that gives the right answer gets a piece of a puzzle. For answering a hard question the "Chanich" gets two pieces.

In the end the "chanichim" put the puzzle together and on the puzzle it says where the treasure is.


The "chanichim" find the treasure ‑ ENJOY!


Explain to the "chanichim" that this game shows us that in order to get the treasure we have to try the hard way.

Most of the times in life the hard way is the best way to reach the goal, and in the end the hard way turns out to be the easier way.

We must go step by step to reach our goal.


Part II -  "Midrash"


In a far away country there was a jail. Some of the prisoners broke out of the Jail, and whoever wanted to could join them without being caught. One prisoner didn't run away. When the guard saw him, he bit him and yelled at him: "Fool! You had a chance to go, why didn't you?"


Take three kids and tell them the story, ask them to act it out in front of the rest.


The "Midrash" says after the jail story that that's what G‑D would say to the "reshaim". G‑D gave them a chance to do "Chazara Betshuva" and they didn't use this opportunity. Explain to the "chanichim" that sometimes, in life, G‑D gives us a chance to reach our goal faster; we have to know how to "catch on" to these opportunities and use them.


Part III


The educational part of the "Peulah" is over. Here are a few ideas for extra games to play with the "chanichim":


· Give a name of...

· The flow

· Zip zap


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