Peulah For Shabbat Parshat Chukat-balak

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Resource Type: Peula in: English
Age: 8-12
Group Size: 5-30
Estimated Time: 90 minutes

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Resource Goal
To teach the chanachim the importance of Ben Adma L'Chavera and how this may even be a lifesaving action!

Resource Contents

Peulah for Shabbat Parshat Chukat-Balak

5763 Avodah

Snif III

Written By: Jack Gottesman



First of all I personally would like to apologize to everyone and anyone who was confused about last weeks sheets. Apparently it was confusing, not funny and I left out some extremely important parts. Therefore if anybody took offence to last weeks sheets please come up to me privately and we will discuss it in a civilized fashion. Now to this week’s snif, the subject of snif this week is “Ben Adam l’chavero.” This is interaction between one (wo) man to another (wo) man. We’re supposed to talk about how one little action can effect our lives is an extremely dramatic way. Although a little action can have from very little to no affect on somebody’s life at all what so ever, it is our job to stress the fact that it can.




-                          We mentioned three stories at the snif meeting, if you can and less than half of your kids have ADD tell the kids the stories. You don’t have to go into great depth and detail just sum it up in to a few sentences.


-                          For those of you who forgot what the stories were (which is probably most of you) they were: The rabbi who said good morning to his neighbor every morning, then his neighbor turned out to be a nazi and the rabbis life got saved.


-                          Another one was about how one kid helped the psycho suicidal kid pick up his books in the hall and made friends with him and the kid who was nuts didn’t kill him self in the end. (If you can make that story less violent when you tell it to the kids that would be greatly appreciated.


-                          The third story is about the idiot who got locked in the freezer and almost died. He said goodnight to the security guard every night so they knew something was up when he didn’t say good night.


-                          Even though you or the kids may disagree the moral of these stories is not say good morning and good night to people. The theme is that Ben Adam l’chavero is ridiculously important and might save your tush when you really need it, like it did for the people in the story. 


-                          It was brought to my attention by one of our distinguished Avodah members who will remain strictly under the code name “Plansky” that there is a Simpson’s episode that has a lot to do with our theme of small things can have a big affect. It’s the episode where homer goes back in time while trying to fix his toaster. Homer kills a fly and goes back to the current time. Everything is different in current time just because he killed that fly.


-                          I’m very sorry if the above note was confusing.


-                          After all of that play a game with the kids, your choices of games are the games we discussed at the snif meeting which were the game when one person goes in the middle of the circle and tries to make every body laugh. This game is worth a shot but if you can tell from the beginning that the kids are not funny (which I doubt they will be) don’t even bother because the worst thing in the world is a not funny kid.


-                          The other game is the knot game, which was brought up at the second meeting. I didn’t really understand what on earth it was or how it was played but if you know you can give it a try. Some girls brought it up if you know who ask them if not then play the circle smile game or………………


-                          ……….ZAP ZORCH!!!!!!!!!! A classic game of Mifugliano’s and more best played on Shabbat afternoon but acceptable anytime anywhere. Zap Zorch should be in the Shabbat afternoon game hall of fame with other greats such as Lego’s or Duck Duck Goose and Monopoly.


-                          Duck Duck Goose is old school.


-                          Hopefully sometime between now when I’m writing this and when you read this Brent will have showered. Honestly Bubis it’s getting disgusting.


-                          Thank you Mrs. Fass for helping me write this, hopefully this week will have improvement from last week.



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