From 1948 To 1967! - î- 1948 åòã 1967
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# Divide the Chanichim into two groups, give each group a map from 1948 and a rope. Make a contest between the groups when the goal is to show (with the rope) the shortest way to get from
# Tell them that in the six-day war that was in 1967, Tzahal took back the control on Sinai, the Golan, the Shomron and all Yerushalaim. Now we want to see what the advantages that we have in controlling those parts.
So first of all now we can see that the way from the
# Now we want to show how having this land helps the defense issue.
For proving this we are going to play two games-
@Tell to one of the Chanichim to sit on the floor and to close his eyes. Put something in a high place and tell him to open his eyes. Now without getting up he has to find the thing that you hid. Check how long it takes. Now choose another Chanich and do the same thing but let him get up-now check how long did it take (it's supposed to be much faster.)
Ask the Chanichim who knows what's special in the Golan? The answer is that the Golan is the highest point in the whole area and that’s why we can see what is going on in Sirya and save our country safer by being stronger and smarter as an army. Like it was easier to do things in the games while you higher it is also much safer and easier to defend an area while you higher.
# This idea of the next part is to show the Chanichim how it was important for us to win back Yerushalaim.
Tell the Chanichim a story about a kid named Yossi who lived in
One day Yossi as usual took his ball met his friends and had a lot of fun. Suddenly one of the kids threw the ball and hit it by mistake into the neighbor’s house.
@On this point you can stop the story and ask the Chanichim- what you would do in such a situation? (Probably they’ll say-Go to the neighbor and ask to get the ball back).
Well Yossi couldn’t do this and you know why? Because between his house and the neighbor’s house was a line, this line divided Yerushalaim to an Israeli part and
Ask them if they can look on the map and find one very important thing that was in the
In 1948 we got an Israeli country, and even part of Yerushalaim but we didn’t have the holiest place for Am-Yisrael-the Kotel. In 1967, the six-day war-we got the Kotel back, after 2000 years that we didn’t have a control on the holiest place to Am-Yisrael.
So… lets see what we have since 1967-
@ We control more places in
@ We can defense our country much better (The Golan, we control more places.)
@ After 2000 we finally have the Kotel!
And this is the reasonable explanation for why we can’t give up on any of those places today-or ever.
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