Influencial People For Israel

File details:

Resource Type: Peula in: English
Age: 6-13
Group Size: 5-30
Estimated Time: 90 minutes

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Resource Goal

To teach the chanichim as much as possible about the people who influenced the state of Israel.

Required Props & Materials

Materials: Pictures of personalities; cut-out paragraph explanations about each; a circle board, consisting of five of each of six colors (the madrich can also use pieces of paper and arrange them in a circle. Of course, the earlier option is preferred); dice; sets of cards.

Note: The peula requires A LOT of preparation

Resource Contents



Theme: Early Israel

Topic: The people who influenced the State of Israel

Written by: Hadas and Rachel (and Netanel)


Goal: To teach the chanichim as much as possible about the people who influenced the state of Israel.


Materials: Pictures of personalities; cut-out paragraph explanations about each; a circle board, consisting of five of each of six colors (the madrich can also use pieces of paper and arrange them in a circle. Of course, the earlier option is preferred); dice; sets of cards.

Note: The peula requires A LOT of preparation



Suggestion for Personalities (pick six): Rav Yehudah Alkelai, Theodore Hertzel, Aharon Aharonson, Ze’ev Zabotinsky, Rav Kook, David Ben-Gurion, Moshe Dayan, Yitzchak Rabin, Golda Meir, Yitzchak Tzvi


Suggested Steps

1.                 Matching

Put each individual’s picture in a corner of the room. In the middle of the room spread the pieces of paper. Tell your chanichim to read the papers and match the papers to the people.


2. Four of a ‘Mashpia’:

To be done before Shabbat: Materials: prepare a game board in a circle shape. The circle should include of at least 30 squares consisting of 6 colors. Each color would represent a personality. Prepare sets of four for each color. On each card of a set, write one-to-two keywords about the personality; under it, write the other three keywords (but make sure one of the four is bold or unique). [Extra: you can even get more pictures of the personality and stick it on the back of the card.]    

Divide your chanichim into two groups (or more). The point of the game is to get a set of 4 cards - one from each color, the group that does that first wins. When you land on a certain color you pick up a card that color. Chanichim can also trade cards in between each-other (with the consent of the whole group). The group who has the most sets when all cards are finished WINS.

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